iPhone 4S Battery Issues?



Some users who have gotten the new iPhone 4S have been complaining about battery issues. Users say it drains at twice the speed of the iPhone 4, and Apple has put out a statement saying:

“A small number of customers have reported lower than expected battery life on iOS 5 devices. We have found a few bugs that are affecting battery life, and we will release a software update to address those in a few weeks.”

That is relieving to see that it is not a hardware issue and can be fixed by a simple update in a few weeks. At first I said, “It’s antennagate all over again!”, but it truly is not. This will be fixed by December, while my iPhone 4 still has reception issues.

So go pick your iPhone 4S out of the trash and wipe it off with a non-included microfiber. Also, didn’t I say the iPhone 4S was a small upgrade, and that there would be some problem with it? Oh, yeah. That was before it was announced. 🙂

About Alex Makuch

I love tech.

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