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iPhone 4S Review

Hello, you are reading my review of the iPhone 4S. Being the predecessor to the iPhone 4, this phone has been very successful. The phone contains various upgrades to the old phone, including a new A5 dual-core processor and a 8MP camera. With the new processor everything is faster. Since the graphics are built into the processor, too, you get up to 7x faster gaming performance. Well Apple says you do but it’s more like 4x. The camera now has improved from 5MP to 8MP, and 720p video to full-HD 1080p. Here are some test shots.

(by the way that squirrel is awesome)

So as you can see by the awesome squirrel that the phone has a fairly good lens and camera. So now after all that your probably wondering if you should buy the phone. Yes and no. If you already have an iPhone 4, then no. If you have a 3GS or before then yes. Definitely if you have a feature phone. So I hope you enjoyed my review, this is Alex-signing off.

Mac Pro To Be Discontinued?

Reports have been coming out that Apple may be discontinuing the Mac Pro! The Mac Pro is a high-end, expandable, professional desktop tower computer. It was introduced in August, 2006. But sadly it may be discontinued Late 2011. Apple is going towards consumer grade products. There is less of a market for the pro desktops. A lot of people want a laptop, or a desktop with a large screen. Such as the iMac and MacBook Air.

Intel earlier this week introduced their “2012 Processor Roadmap” and it included Xeon chips suitable for the Mac Pro. AppleInsider later posted a statement about the Mac Pro to be discontinued.

“Despite the coming availability of a new generation of Sandy Bridge desktop CPUs suitable for advancing Apple’s Mac Pro line, the company has reportedly been evaluating whether to continue to invest in furthering its full-sized workstation line beyond this year in the face of limited sales.”


So do you think that Apple will discontinue the Mac Pro? This seems to be the route Apple will be taking in my opinion. They have been getting rid of non-selling-money-making computers, like the MacBook.


iPhone 4S Battery Issues?



Some users who have gotten the new iPhone 4S have been complaining about battery issues. Users say it drains at twice the speed of the iPhone 4, and Apple has put out a statement saying:

“A small number of customers have reported lower than expected battery life on iOS 5 devices. We have found a few bugs that are affecting battery life, and we will release a software update to address those in a few weeks.”

That is relieving to see that it is not a hardware issue and can be fixed by a simple update in a few weeks. At first I said, “It’s antennagate all over again!”, but it truly is not. This will be fixed by December, while my iPhone 4 still has reception issues.

So go pick your iPhone 4S out of the trash and wipe it off with a non-included microfiber. Also, didn’t I say the iPhone 4S was a small upgrade, and that there would be some problem with it? Oh, yeah. That was before it was announced. 🙂